vaccine for coronavirus

Vaccination of age group 12-17 years may start from December

Rajasthan is all set to begin with vaccination of the age group 12 to 17 years from this December. Waiting for the release of guidelines.


Rajasthan may get started with vaccination for the age group of 12 to 17 years from December. 3 doses of vaccines will be given. Waiting for a nod from the central government. 

The Health Department has identified 1.10 crore adolescents of this age group in the state. Now as soon as the new guidelines of the central government are released, training will be given to the nursing staff and the vaccination team in the state.

The Drug Controller General of India (DCGA) has approved the vaccine made by Zydus Cadila Company for emergency use. The central government has not yet started the vaccination program.

According to Dr. Raghuraj Singh, Director of Immunization Project in Rajasthan Health Directorate, “All preparations have been done. The number, quantity and gap between the doses have also been decided. There is a need to give training to the staff, which will be started after the guidelines come from the Central Government.”

Three doses of vaccine will be given

People aged 18 or older were given two shots of the vaccine. While for children of 12 to 17 years old three shots (doses) of the vaccine have been decided. Each shot will contain a dose of 0.1ML vaccine. They will be given three shots of the vaccine with a gap of 28-28 days.

What will be the speciality?

The special feature of this vaccine is that the children will not have to bear the pain of vaccination because they will be vaccinated with a special jet machine. They will not even feel the pain of pricking the needle after applying the vaccine. This is because the vaccine will be administered from the pharma jet machine, which does not have a needle.

Vaccination in children will take more time than adults

It will take more time to vaccinate children than adults. Normal vaccination takes 30 seconds to a minute. Whereas, the vaccination of children will take 5-7 minutes. The vaccination will take time because the vaccination will be done using the pharma jet. It will take 5-7 minutes for the replacement of the cartridge to applying the vaccine. The cartridge will be changed after each child is vaccinated.

Where will be the vaccination centers

All the health centers of the state have been fixed for vaccination. Apart from the health center, the government is preparing to make schools in the state as vaccination centers so that not a single child is spared from being vaccinated. If this happens, then every child of the state will get the vaccine in the school itself.

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