Benefits of Rajasthan right to health bill

Rajasthan first state to bring RTH: Know the benefits

Learn about the benefits of Rajasthan's new Right to Health Bill (RTH), making it the first state in India to bring this legislation.


The ongoing deadlock between the government and the doctors over the Right to Health (RTH) Bill in Rajasthan has ended. With this Rajasthan will become the first state in the country to bring the Right to Health Bill and do so. 

Under RTH, hospitals that do not avail government facilities will be out of the purview of this bill. However, the option will be open for them to keep themselves involved in RTH. Only private medical colleges and selected private hospitals will come under the purview of this bill.

Which hospitals are covered under the RTH 

Before this strike of doctors, all the hospitals and medical colleges were coming under the purview of the Right to Health Bill. Only hospitals with less than 50 beds were kept out of its purview. But now largely all private hospitals have come out of this purview. Now only 5% private hospitals of Rajasthan will remain under the ambit of this health bill.

There are more than 2400 private hospitals and nursing homes in the state. Out of these, only 47 hospitals have taken land from the government free of cost or at subsidized rates. 

  • The RTH will be applicable only to such hospitals who, while taking the land, have given approval in the MOU with the government on the condition that they will work for the government in future. The hospitals who do not have these things in their terms and conditions will not come under this purview.
  • Those hospitals of Rajasthan which are running on PPP mode. Those hospitals which are running through the trust
  • Private medical colleges have been kept in this purview. 9 medical colleges of Rajasthan will come under the ambit of RTH. People in these cities will still have the option of taking treatment in private hospitals under the purview of RTH.

These 9 medical colleges are in range

  • Geetanjali Medical College, Udaipur
  • Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Jaipur
  • National Institute of Medical Science, Jaipur
  • Pacific Institute of Medical Sciences, Udaipur
  • Ananta Medical College, Udaipur
  • JNU Medical College, Jaipur
  • American Medical College, Udaipur
  • Pacific Medical College, Udaipur
  • Dr SS Tantia Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Sriganganagar

Benefits of RTH bill to public

  • In case of any emergency or accident, the common man will be able to take treatment in any hospital covered under this bill without giving any prepayment. The hospital will not pressurize him for any kind of fee. If the person is unable to pay the money after treatment, then the government will give his money.
  • By bringing many hospitals under this ambit, the person who needs immediate medication in case of an accident or any emergency condition will get it. The treatment can be given to him in his golden hour.
  • Unnecessary money charged in private hospitals will be curbed. When the patient will have the right to collect the bill for every treatment and facility, then the private hospital or medical college will be saved from collecting that money.
  • If the person is not satisfied with the treatment, he will have the right to appeal. On checking this, a penalty will be imposed on the center found guilty. The procedure for appeal and the mode of complaint have been simplified.
  • The patient will get the right to know and understand about his illness from all types of hospitals and doctors. He can ask whatever information he wants from the doctor.

However, the rules regarding the bill have not yet been prepared by the government. When the rules are ready, there will be more clarity regarding Right to Health.

What is the purpose of the bill?

According to the government, the purpose of the bill is to provide social security to every person of the state. That is, no person should be troubled due to lack of treatment. Broadly speaking, it talks about providing treatment to every person during an emergency without prepayment of fees or charges and without waiting for the police report. If the person is not able to pay the expenses for this, then the government will pay. Apart from this, the bill provides various types of medical facilities to the patients, which will strengthen their right to health.

At what stage is the bill?

At present this bill has been passed by the assembly. The bill is now with the governor after it has been passed by the assembly. The bill will become an Act after the approval of the Governor and after that all its rules will be made. All the rules regarding the demands of the doctors will be clear in the bill. After that it will be implemented in the state.

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