The Rajasthan High Court has dismissed the petition seeking a ban on the film Ajmer-92 based on the Ajmer sex scandal. The Anjuman Committee had filed a petition in the High Court.
A single bench of Justice Indrajit Singh, while rejecting the petition of the Anjuman Committee, asked the petitioner to present his point of view in the representation filed in the Censor Board.
The Anjuman Committee filed a petition demanding a ban on the film and asked for formation a committee under the chairmanship of a retired High Court judge to show the film to the members of the Anjuman Committee before its release.
The petition states that the Dargah of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti and the Chishti community have been wrongly shown in the film. Though people from all communities were accused in the 1992 sex scandal, only the Chishti community is shown in the film. In such a situation, the film should be shown to the petitioner before the release of the film. The film will be released on July 14.
Government of India said, the petition is not maintainable
Opposing the petition, Additional Solicitor General RD Rastogi, on behalf of the Government of India, said that the accused in this case have been punished. Both the High Court and Supreme Court had also upheld the conviction of the accused.
Films have been made on the basis of facts only. On the other hand, under Section-6 of the Cinematograph Act, the Censor Board has got the powers of revision in such cases.
The petitioner has given representation before the Censor Board. The censor board needs time to decide. As such, this petition is not maintainable. On this, the High Court, while rejecting the petition, asked the petitioner to keep his point in the pending representation in the Censor Board.
The story is based on the Ajmer gangrape case
Pushpendra Singh directed film Ajmer-92 claims that its story is based on true events. It is based on the 1992 Ajmer rape case in which over a hundred school and college-going girls were gang-raped and blackmailed. In this case, the police had filed a charge sheet in the court against 12 people, including Ajmer Youth Congress President Farooq Chishti.