MI Road Jaipur

People spreading dirt in the city will now be fined


People who throw away trash and spread dirt in the city will be fined. In addition to this, those found burning plastic waste or general waste may also be fined.

Municipal Corporation Jaipur Greater Commissioner has issued an order, in which the penalty amount has been fixed on the garbage and dirt spreaders. If anyone is found throwing garbage or spreading dirt anywhere (road, park or open public place) in Jaipur city, they may have to pay a fine ranging from Rs 100 to Rs 5000. Along with this, all the officers of the zones are given a target to charge a fine on at least 10 people daily.

Apart from the people spreading garbage, those who pollute public properties will also be not granted. The municipal administration has made a provision to pay a fine of Rs 2,000 against those who stick posters in public places, painting them or otherwise disarm them. 

Apart from this, digging roads without permission for laying water, sewer or other lines, will also have to pay a fine of up to Rs 5000. Similarly, the shopkeepers will have to pay a fine of up to Rs 500 if they are caught dumping their salon trash on the street.

Besides, putting garbage or spreading dirt, the person who burns the plastic waste or throws it in a public place will also have to pay a fine. A person will be fined Rs 500 for being caught burning plastic waste. Similarly, a fine of up to one thousand rupees may have to be paid if plastic waste gets caught scattered on the road.

These will be the charges: 

  • 100 rupees for dumping garbage on the road or street from residential buildings.
  • 1 thousand rupees for dumping garbage on the road from shops.
  • 2 thousand rupees for putting garbage on behalf of restaurant or hotel operators.
  • 5 thousand rupees for dumping garbage on behalf of industrial units.
  • If you are a seller and sell chaat pakodi, tea, juices, vegetables etc. on a handcart, 100 rupees fine will be charged from them for spreading garbage
  • 200 rupees for spitting in public places, urinating in the open.
  • 3 thousand rupees for spreading dirt in private hospitals, clinics, nursing homes etc.
  • 500 rupees if found burning ordinary garbage.
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