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New guidelines for students from 6th to 12th in Rajasthan

The education department started an initiative for 6th to 12th class where school children will get marks for good behavior and plantation along with studies.


Students studying in Rajasthan schools will now get marks for good behavior and plantation along with studies. This entire process has been divided into the categories of project, third test (examination held after the half-yearly examination), good behavior and plantation. For this, students from class 6th to 12th will be given 14 to 22 marks. The education department has issued a guideline for this on 11 September.

Initiative of Education Department

This initiative has been taken by the education department to improve the academic level of the students of Rajasthan as well as their behavior. Along with the third test and project, they will now get marks for planting trees and good behavior. This will not only improve their academic level but will also help in the development of the students.

Students will be helpful in making the state green 

At present, along with environmental protection, plantation is very important for the environment. Given this, school children will prove to be helpful in making the state green by becoming the protectors of the environment. Soon its positive results will come out. For this, students will be able to plant trees not only in school but also in their homes and public places. Geo tagging and teachers will monitor this. Students will be given marks on that basis only.

Class-wise different Scores

5thProject – 6Good behavior – 4Plantation – 6
6th and 7thOral Test – 8 Third Test – 4 Plantation – 10
8thProject- 4 Good Behavior – 6 Plantation – 10
9thThird Test – 6 Plantation – 7
10thProject – 1 Good Practices – 6 Plantation – 7
11thThird Test – 7 Plantation – 7
12thProject – 2 Good Behavior – 5 Plantation – 7

Third test is conducted after the half yearly examination

The education department conducts a third test every year after the half-yearly examination. Questions are asked in the exam from the syllabus completed by the student till then. They are given marks on that basis. However, there is no third test for board classes. Only students of class 6th, 7th, 9th and 11th will be given marks on the basis of the third test.

Similarly, in schools, different projects are given to students to involve them in academic activities along with social activities. These projects are given as per the school and teacher, after completing which, students have to submit their project before the final exam. Marks are given on that basis.

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