Tourists have to wait for a longer period to enjoy the lion safari at the Nahargarh biological park. Lion Safari at Nahargarh biological park has been shut down for the last few days due to a rise in the death toll.
The reason for the death of wild animals has been suspected as a CDV, Canine Distemper Virus. There have been three deaths reported in eight days infected by this virus. Amid the reports of the death of three big cats, two tigers, and a lion, the park authorities have decided to close the safari temporarily.

The safari was closed on September 22 and the opening of Exotic Park has also been postponed. So the visitors will have to wait longer to enjoy sightings of wild animals.
Many of the tourists were not aware of the closing due to which they returned disappointed. It is for the third time in the past year that the Lion Safari has been closed for tourists. The safari was launched in October 2018. Earlier the safari was shut down in August due to heavy rains.
“We came to Jaipur from Delhi for Lion Safari, but came to know that it has been closed. We were not aware of that and wasted a lot of money and time,” said Vinod Shagra who visited the park on Sunday.
The visitors are taken on a tour of the area spread over 36 hectares. Two tracks have been built for safari for the sighting of three lions.