
Jaipur Airport now equipped with an Advanced Visibility System

A new visibility system has been installed at Jaipur International Airport for safe aviation operation and accurate updates on weather conditions.


Jaipur International Airport installed a new advanced monitoring system by the Regional Meteorological Centre for safe aviation operation and to instantly receive precise weather updates.

Visibility is a highly important parameter for flight operation and this new state-of-the-art device will work on the Forward Scattering technique and is said to relay real-time and accurate updates on weather conditions which will help in performing flight operations with higher precision.

Advanced visibility equipment at Jaipur International Airport

According to the director of the Meteorological Centre, Radheshyam Sharma, “Accurate observations of visibility is very vital for a pilot and the air traffic controller. So, we have installed a modern instrument in place of the old Drishti system for clear visibility status to fetch accurate weather updates. The new device is based on forward scattering technique.”

“Presently, only one device has been installed at Jaipur airport. It was in pilot testing mode for the past six months before the installation. We have identified the locations and there are three sites at the Jaipur International Airport where this device can be installed. We plan to install this device on all three sites of the airport, which include both ends of the 4 km long runway and one in the center of the runway,” he added.

These locations and distances have been decided as many times visibility are not uniform throughout the runway and there is varying visibility effect experienced causing difficulty for pilots. This system can detect a sudden change in visibility with high accuracy and give real-time information to the controllers, who further give the details to the pilots.

Safer aviation operation with clear visibility!

Though fog and smog are not common at Jaipur International Airport, weather conditions like heavy rain or sudden dust storms hamper the visibility affecting the safe operation and impacting take-off and landings. Additionally, cloudy sky and mist are also experienced during monsoon and blur the vision. All these reasons forced the need for an advanced visibility system at the Jaipur airport.

The project at Jaipur International Airport is a 6-month-long pilot project. Furthermore, there are plans to launch these devices at Udaipur and Kishangarh airports as well.

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