If Hopper does not come to your house to collect garbage, then if you complain about it to the corporation, now the corporation will charge Rs 100 per complaint from the account of the concerned company. Charges are being collected on such complaints in the Mansarovar zone. Due to this, the number of complaints remained more than 50 every day which has now remained between 10 and 15.
Earlier there were 102 temporary garbage depots in the entire ward, now there were 102 temporary garbage depots in the entire ward. The number remained 54. From where garbage is collected daily through dumpers. Work is being done. This will be the first ward of Greater Corporation which To collect garbage from e-hoppers and CNG operated hoppers. Are working. Related to garbage in Mansarovar zone on Monday 11 complaints were registered. This complaint was made in the village of Bhakrota and the wards connected to Manasarovar zone of Manyavas and Mangyavas of Mansarovar.
At the same time, there has been a huge reduction in the number of complaints every day in seven zones of the city. The reason is that disposal of complaints has started becoming routine. However, now there has been no reduction in the number of temporary garbage depots.
Now there will be speed in collecting user charges
The work of collecting user charges is done from about two lakh houses, shops and institutions of Malviya Nagar and Murlipura zone. In this, user charge is being collected from about 92000 houses in Malviya Nagar and 120000 houses in Murlipura. Till now, charges of around Rs 86 lakh have been recovered from the company.
Such complaints are being resolved
Among the complaints related to garbage in the control room of the corporation, the most common complaint is about non-arrival of hoppers. Complaints come from Ward 65, 66,78,71,84,83 of Mansarovar Zone. In Murlipura, more complaints are received from Ward 1 to 5. Five to 10 complaints are coming daily from each ward of Malviya Nagar, Sanganer and Jagatpura.