On International Women’s Day, the Central Government has reduced the price of domestic LPG cylinders by Rs 100. This decision of the government will benefit more than one crore four lakh consumers of Rajasthan. At present there are about 1.78 crore consumers of the three government oil and gas companies in Rajasthan.
In Jaipur, the capital of Rajasthan, currently an ordinary consumer is getting a domestic gas cylinder (14.2 kg) for Rs 906.50. Which will now be available for Rs 806.50. At the same time, the same cylinder is available to Ujjwala and BPL connection holders for Rs 450. Due to subsidies from the state and central government, these special consumers will get LPG cylinders cheaper by Rs 456.50 than ordinary consumers.
Ujjwala and BPL consumers are getting subsidies. At present there are more than 73 lakh connections of Ujjwala and BPL in the state. In this, the central government gives a subsidy of Rs 300 to Ujjwala consumers, while the state government gives a subsidy of Rs 156. At the same time, the state government bears the subsidy of Rs 456 for BPL consumers.
Earlier, there was a change in prices on Rakshabandhan. Last year, on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan, the Central Government had reduced the prices of domestic LPG cylinders (14.2 kg) by Rs 200. After this, now Rs 100 has been reduced.