With the sun out bright and warm in the sky it is the right time to think of going on camping and connecting with the great outdoors for a fun family activity. Nowadays, birding or bird watching is the quickest growing recreation outdoor sport. Most people enjoy getting out into the lap of nature as a way to relax and unwind from the hustle and bustle of the ever-increasing faced-paced world that we live in these days. Chandlai lake in Jaipur is one such peaceful escape and among the best places a nature lover must visit.
What’s not to love about sitting out in the open with good friends, good food and enjoying the picturesque scenery and lots of birds chirping around? But to get such an experience you need to find the perfect spot. Drive to Chandlai lake, a lesser-known destination in Jaipur that lets you do the birding and know how fascinating and fun it can be!
About Chandlai lake
The Chandlai often termed the ‘hidden lake’ is placed within a 20 miles radius from the village Chandlai. This Lake is a naturalist’s, zoologist’s and photographer’s delight. Chandlai Lake is a quite scenic destination as it has dry forests and hills booming around. The water here is clean and unpolluted. It seems like it is a monsoon run-off from the wooded hills.

Chandlai Lake is the best spot for you to enjoy the view of a massive number of birds by sitting at the lake. You have to walk a little till you spot some birds playing in the lake and flying from here to there, it will all be worth it when you see the sight of the rare flamingos and pelicans flocking together at this lovely lake. Try to get as close as you can without disturbing the majestic birds and scan each of their vibrant colours with the binoculars and spotting scope.
The serene lake, swaying trees and smooth sand out there invite you to its natural refreshing and soothing breeze. You can sit here for hours together and experience the beauty of nature as well as those of birds.
History of the Chandlai Lake
Chandlai Lake is believed to be a 140-year-old inland water body. It is of great historic and cultural significance and has seen ages of amazing birds, flora and fauna. It would now be declared as a protected lake under the Rajasthan Lake (development and protection) ordinance 2015. This tranquil water body is very ancient and the construction of the dam dates back to the year 1872. It is said to be the second lake after Jal Mahal to be covered under the act of lake development.
If the government approves, Chandlai Lake will evolve to be among the best tourist attractions in Jaipur. Once the proposition is accepted, the department is intending many adventure and water sport activities for tourists. Along with water sports, there will be recreational activities like fishing, boating, bird watching, hiking, horse riding, canoeing and bicycling.
Highlights of Chandlai Lake
The main attraction of this lake is the various Migratory birds that usually people witness at this place, especially Flamingos. These Flamingos come here to eat the particular sort of green algae that grows exuberantly on the Chandlai soil, which serves as an amazing appetite for the birds.

Nature lovers can witness around 10,000 local and migratory birds here. Specifically, one can find a rare bird species, Pied Avocet at Chandlai Lake. Other bird species such as Common Redshank, White Wagtail, Little Ringed Plover, Ruddy Shelduck, Black Winged Stilt, Brown-capped Night Heron, Common Teal, Pallas’s Gull, Ruff, are also popular here. It also nourishes different fishes and aquatic species. For this, they have a contract with the fisheries department for export.
These non-native, exotic migratory birds reside here in winters till the onset of summer. Their departure time depends on the climatic condition. They arrive here from central Europe, central Asia, Africa, China and various parts of the country.
Why should you visit Chandlai Lake?
If you crave the beauty of nature away from the cliched city life, come around to Chandlai. The surroundings with blue-green shaded hues, the serene water body, soothing wave sounds, birds with their sounds and chirps are enough to bring solace. This is the perfect place if you are a birder or a shutterbug and like to click birds and wildlife. This place is also an ideal spree with your ‘someone special. You will find absolute peace here being it the most unpopulated tourist spot.
Timings to Visit
In summers this place is best to visit in the evenings. While in winter it would beguile you with its beauty in early mornings. However, the best time to visit this place is between November to March. This is the time when you spot flamingos here.
Entrance Ticket Details
There is no entry ticket and the entry is free.
How to Reach?
Reaching Chandlai lake is effortless if you are a resident from Jaipur. It is only 30 km away from Jaipur Tonk Road, Rajasthan. It is located near the four-lane National Highway 12 from taking a right turn under the overbridge at Shivdaspura.
Unfortunately, it hasn’t been developed into a major tourist attraction. But still, this lake can be one’s itinerary and a full morning can be spent here watching birds. So, grab a picnic basket, fill it with goodies and head on for a bird watching trip at Chandlai Lake in Jaipur to indulge yourself in the pleasant and adventurous activity of bird watching this season.