Jaswantabad and Eenana village, are the two villages of Nagaur known for its special Holi customs.

Two villages of Nagaur celebrate Holi the best way, without any run riots

Festivals News Rajasthan

Holi is around the corner and everyone is all set with their own kind of celebrations while there are two villages in Nagaur district, Rajasthan where there is no Holi romping. The people there, celebrate Holi every year by sacrificing one bad habit inside them. Also, they urge the youth to do something new.

Jaswantabad and Eenana village, are the two villages of Nagaur in Rajasthan known for its special Holi customs. Both the villages have made their own identity in the district due to this unique custom they follow every year on Holi. Not just any village can become such an example for the whole district. This has been possible due to their positive, energetic as well as collective decision capability. General meetings are held in both the villages on the day of Holi and collective decisions are taken to renounce evil. Only due to their one of a kind custom, both the villages are far away from the toxins and the evils.

Jaswantabad: The collective decision of renouncing the Kuriti

The village gathering takes place on the festival of Holi every year in this village. There are collective decisions are taken about social reforms and abandoning a corrupt person. There is a complete ban on liquor, playing the DJs, serving of gur and opium to the guests at social events, and the malpractices like Pairavani.

Inana: Restrictions on alcohol imposed already in 1995

This village, with a population of 7,000, is a role model for the whole state. In this village, the decisions taken at a public meeting on Holi-Deepawali are unique in itself. Not only there is a ban on liquor and drinking alcohol, one can’t find even the tobacco anywhere in the village. There is a ban on smoking material as well as the tobacco and pan masala. In 1995, the liquor was banned in the village along with the DJs and fireworks.

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