Security was beefed up at Bharti Bhawan, the headquarters of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh on Thursday after an alert by the Intelligence Bureau (IB).
According to the IB report, the RSS offices, as well as their leaders, are under the threat of being targeted by global terrorist organizations after the revocation of Article 370 in respect of Jammu and Kashmir and the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA). The IB reports claims Punjab, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan as the states where an attack could happen.
As per a recent input of the IB report the terrorist are possibly linked to global terror groups and could carry out an attack with the use of the explosive-laden vehicle. It would be so intense that no building or person in a radius of one kilometer will survive.
Citing an IB report the Deputy Leader of the Opposition Rajendra Rathore had expressed security concerns for the leaders and their offices.
Rathore said in the assembly that the threat was for RSS offices in Rajasthan, Maharashtra, and Punjab. While other states have taken appropriate steps and stepped up security arrangements following the IB reports, no such security has been provided yet in the state. Rajasthan government was yet to take any steps in this direction.
“Acting on the information alert received by IB, about the terror threat, the Rajasthan government should beef up the security arrangements at all offices of RSS in the entire state including Jaipur, Ajmer, Bikaner, Jodhpur,” he added.
Taking a dig, Rathore said that RAS is before the birth of both of us, as long as the country remains, this organization will remain. if any terror attack happens, the state government would be responsible,” he said
Following the issue raised by Rathore in the assembly on Thursday, the home department ordered the police department to step up the security arrangement at Bharati Bhawan. Additional police were deployed soon after this.