public transport buses for travel convenience in Jaipur

JCTSL to buy 600 new public transport buses for travel convenience in Jaipur


The Jaipur City Transport Service Limited (JCTSL) is planning to buy 600 new public transport buses for the residents of Jaipur to enhance the travel experience within the city.

On Friday, a meeting at JMC headquarters was held. In the meeting it was decided to purchase nearly 600 new public transport buses for the city, out of which 300 will be the minibuses. Almost all of them will be electric except 50 of them which will be diesel operated.

According to a JMC officer, “The smaller buses will be operated in the markets of the Walled City. Only low-floor buses are being operated in these markets now which leads to traffic jams and increase pollution.”

Currently, about 250 low floor buses are running on the city roads and are reported to be in very bad condition. With increasing the pollution in the city, these mini-buses caused most of the road accidents due to their poor condition and the lack of maintenance. In some cases, the buses even caught fire.

The JCTSL is planning to purchase these buses very soon most probably within the next couple of months.

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