The crime branch of Jaipur police arrested several members of a betting racket who were allegedly taking betting money from people for the IPL 2019 matches. The police caught various rackets carrying out a raid at Jaipur, Sikar, Kota.
On Saturday, Jaipur police arrested seven men for betting on the ongoing IPL 2019 matches near Jaisinghpura Road in Jaipur. The accused men are the residents of Ajmer and came to Jaipur about 15-20 days ago for the betting purpose. Police recovered mobile phones, laptops, cash and several things from them.
Similarly, a team of the Hamara police station held a raid on a house located at Sikar road arresting three accused. Those accused were caught with transaction slip showing business worth Rs. 1 crore. A car, 51 mobile phones, 38000 cash, record books, and SIM cards were recovered.
One more case took place on Tuesday night. Police held a raid on a flat of My Haveli near Bhankrota near Jaipur-Ajmer highway and busted the gang. Police caught them red-handed and recovered records suggesting betting placed on the match with betting records of 1,77,25,508 rupees. The police also recovered 82 mobile phones, six laptops, four LEDs, Rs 54000 cash and two SUV cars. The arrested men are the residents of Jodhpur, Nagaur, Jaisalmer, Bikaner, and Jhunjhunu.
In another case in Kota, Kota police busted an IPL betting racket and arrested seven members of the gang with records suggesting betting placed on the match worth over Rs 538 crore. The arrests were from a flat near Borkhera and Kethunipole area in Kota. The police also recovered 40 mobile phones, two laptops, two set-top box, Rs 40000 cash and three record registers.
The crime branch of Jaipur Commissionerate constituted a special team to carry out a search.
According to the police, the accused took bets from people who placed their money on the match through different mobile numbers. The men are in police custody and the officers are interrogating them. Further investigation is going on. Police have booked them under several sections of IPC including cheating and forgery.
Police are keeping a close eye on betting racket active during the IPL matches.