In Jaipur, on Friday night around 8:30 pm, there was a fight and firing between Shiv Singh Shekhawat, national president of the Rashtriya Karni Sena, and Mahipal Singh Makrana, leader of the Rajput Karni Sena. Both have accused each other of firing. However, Mahipal Singh got injured in the fight. He has been admitted to the hospital.
On the second day of the incident, the police arrested the national president of Rashtriya Karni Sena, Shiv Singh Shekhawat. Police have also arrested 5 associates of Shekhawat and 2 associates of Mahipal Singh Makrana and one other person.
FIRs lodged against each other
Shekhawat has said that Makrana along with four people came to my office located in the Chitrakoot area and opened fire. On this, the security guard and other people caught him and assaulted him.
At the same time, Mahipal Singh Makrana’s wife Varsha has accused Shiv Singh and his associates of opening fire. Some videos of this incident have also surfaced. In these both sides are seen fighting. Both the parties filed reports against each other at Chitrakoot police station on Saturday morning.
Makrana’s bullet hit the ground
According to Shiv Singh Shekhawat, “Four people entered my office. A miscreant fired at me. The bullet passed me and hit the ground. It didn’t do anything to me. During this time my gunman controlled the miscreant. Knocked him down. There were three more people with Makrana. We caught them all.”
No one was hurt by the bullet
Additional Police Commissioner Kailash Bishnoi said that both of them have gunmen. The gunman will also be interrogated regarding the incident. CCTV footage taken from the office of Rashtriya Karni Sena is also being examined.
DCP Amit Kumar said that information was received about a fight and firing between two parties. Bullet shell was found on the spot. No one was hurt in the firing. Got injured in the fight. At present both the parties are being interrogated.
Battle for supremacy
In December 2023, Shri Rashtriya Rajput Karni Sena President Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi was assassinated. Since then, there has been a dispute going on between Shiv Singh Shekhawat and Mahipal Singh Makrana regarding supremacy in Rajput society. The incident that took place on Friday night is also being linked to this. Both groups have been making statements against each other for a long time.