
Lockdown can be extended for 15 days in Rajasthan

Corona News Update News

In the meeting of the Council of Ministers held on Saturday, it has been suggested to extend the lockdown for another 15 days from May 24. Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot to take a final decision on whether to extend the lockdown period by 1 week or 15 days. 

In Rajasthan, the restrictions of the current lockdown may be continued even further to break the chain of Covid infection. Health experts and ministers have advised the extension of the lockdown. The Home Department has also formulated its guidelines to issue for the extended lockdown. 

The meeting emphasised the need for implementation of Covid protocol more effectively, medical kit distribution, screening, vaccine supply, home isolation and regular monitoring of treatment.

According to the medical experts, it has been reported that despite a decrease in cases, the infection rate was more than 15% and the death rate even higher. The threat of the second wave had not been fully brought under control and hospitals and medical resources were still under pressure.

Experts suggested that negligence in implementing Covid protocol for a longer period after the first wave had proved costly. Therefore strict control and continuing to the lockdown is essential for some more time. Another meeting will be held shortly to decide further policy.

In the meeting, the Chief Minister has instructed all the ministers to visit the districts under their charge and monitor the management of the districts. They have been asked to visit the hospitals and see the arrangements, distribute the relief materials to the needy, and constantly monitor the system. 

There were also concerns about the shortage of Covid vaccines and the slow pace of vaccination drive. Due to this, the efforts towards effective prevention of infection are going in vain. Strong demand for adequate vaccine supply was put up for effective treatment and control over the black fungus epidemic and in countering the third wave. 

Apart from this, the state government was also considering an extensive social security policy for families whose earning members have died or children become orphans due to infection.

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