Jaipur will soon be having its first semi-high-speed train, Vande Bharat, between Jaipur to Indore launched in the second week of January. The schedule of the train routes has been confirmed. Earlier, it was to start in the first week, but it is now postponed to Jan 10.
The schedule of the Indore-Jaipur and Jabalpur-Indore routes for the Vande Bharat train has been confirmed. Vande Bharat train will make one trip in a day similar to the timetable of the Intercity train.
A rake of 16 coaches has also been readied. The maintenance of the Indore-Jaipur train will be done in the Indore shed. The preparations to start the train are in full swing. However, there is no official confirmation on this.
The train schedule from Indore to Jaipur
The train will leave Indore at 5:50 am and reach Ujjain at 7:20 am. After this, it will reach Nagda at 8:30 am, Sawaimadhopur at 12:45 pm and Durgapura Jaipur at 2:40 pm.
The train schedule from Jaipur to Indore
The train will leave Jaipur from Durgapura at 3:10 pm and reach Sawaimadhopur at 4:45 pm. It will reach Nagda at 9:25 pm, Ujjain at 10:35 pm and Indore at 12:15 pm.