
Election date changed in Rajasthan, Now voting on 25th

The election date changed in Rajasthan, now the voting will be held on the 25th instead of the 23rd November.


The election date has changed in Rajasthan. Now voting will be held on 25th November. Earlier, voting was to be held on November 23, but due to Devuthani Ekadashi (Gyaras), it was believed that the voting percentage might decrease.

The Election Commission has only changed the date of voting, all the schedules including commencement of nomination and withdrawal of nominations, counting of votes have been kept the same as before. 

According to the rules, the election process in Rajasthan should end before December 5. This is the first time that the date of voting in assembly elections has been changed in Rajasthan. 

Revised Election schedule

  • Notification and opening of enrollment – 30 Oct (Monday)
  • Last date of nomination – 6 Nov (Monday) 
  • Scrutiny of nomination papers – 7 Nov (Tuesday) 
  • Last date of withdrawal of nomination – 09 Nov (Thursday) 
  • Voting – 25 Nov (Saturday) 
  • Counting of votes – 3 Dec (Sunday) 

This morning itself, Pali MP PP Chaudhary had written a letter to the Election Commission demanding that the voting dates be changed. Only 47 days will be given for the election campaign compares to the previous term.

The earlier voting date in Rajasthan was falling on Devuthani Ekadashi, a very big festival related to culture and religious faith. This festival is celebrated all over the country, but it has more influence in Rajasthan. This festival is known as Abujha Save, which means marriage can be done on this day without looking for the auspicious time. A large number of marriages take place in Rajasthan on this day. According to media reports, about 50 thousand marriages will take place on this day. 

Due to the weddings, people will go from one city to another. At the same time, other business people including tents, catering, and bands are also directly involved in weddings. In such a situation, it was feared that these people would hardly be able to go to vote on this day, many social organizations had also written letters regarding this. After this, the voting date was changed and moved forward by two days.

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