Tinnitus affecting corona patients

After black fungus, Tinnitus affecting corona patients

After Black fungus, cases of a new infection named Tinnitus is found in people affected from coronavirus. In, this patient experiences sudden hearing loss or ringing sound in the ears.

Corona News Update News

Before the third wave of Covid-19, another infection has been seen affecting the people. A new infection named Tinnitus has been reported as a side effect among the people affected from coronavirus infection. 

Side effects of corona are still being seen in patients who have been infected after the Covid-19 infection. After infection, cases of Black Fungus were seen the most, while now people who have been affected from Covid-19 infection have been reported of Tinnitus. 

Tinnitus is the medical term for a condition when the blood circulation inside the ear decreases significantly, due to which people get affected from hearing problems and lose their ability to hear.

There is a steady increase in such cases in Rajasthan. Till now more than 500 such cases have been reported from different hospitals in the state. This problem is being seen the most among people who have been affected by Covid-19 infection. There are cases of blood clotting in the ear vein due to which the hearing ability is decreasing in the patients. 

According to Dr. Mohnish Grover, senior doctor and ENT specialist of SMS Hospital, “Hearing problems are being seen in people affected by Covid-19 infection. Many such cases have come to light in SMS Hospital. Not just Jaipur, such cases are coming up in other districts of the state as well.”

“We have received cases where the patient has experienced sudden hearing loss. Some patients are also complaining of a whistling or ringing sound in one or both ears. But the patients are reaching us after a day. If any patient is facing this kind of problem, then he needs to be treated as soon as possible. By reporting timely, within a week they may get their hearing ability back,” added Dr Grover.

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