In Jaipur, retired para commando Himmat Singh Rathod (40) has created a unique record by climbing up and down the stairs continuously for about 20 hours. During this period, Himmat Singh walked about 40 kilometers. He had been preparing for the last several months to make this record. Himmat Singh has registered the record in International World Record, India Book Record along with Asia Book Record.
Commando Himmat Singh Rathod created a world record for covering the distance of 40 kilometers by climbing stairs in ascending and descending order in the fastest time in 19 hours 46 minutes and 16 seconds. Earlier, the record of climbing 18 kilometers of stairs in 24 hours was made by Spain’s Christian Roberto Lopez Rodriguez.
He has registered this record in International World Record, India Book Record as well as Asia Book Record.
This journey has not been easy
Himmat Singh Rathod, resident of Ajmer, said that I have worked very hard to make this record. Spent my sweat climbing and descending about 10 lakh stairs. During practice, he used to climb and descend more than 18 thousand stairs every morning and evening for 12 hours.
For the record, he started climbing and descending the stairs on the Khatipura culvert at6 pm on March 23 (Martyr’s Day), which continued for 19 hours continuously till the next day. During this time, the stairs were climbed up and down not only at night but also in the afternoon (temperature 36 degrees). During this time, he climbed and descended more than 43 thousand 200 stairs in 19 hours 46 minutes.
Earlier, this record was in the name of Christian Roberto Lopez Rodriguez of Toledo (Spain). Roberto climbed 18 kilometers or 11.627 miles of stairs in 24 hours on July 1, 2023. While making this record, Roberto wore shoes worth Rs 1 lakh, whereas I made this record wearing shoes worth Rs 500.
During the task of making the world record, an application was installed in Himmat Singh’s mobile, on which time and kilometers were noted. Also, Himmat Singh was medically examined, in which it was found out whether he had taken any kind of intoxicant or steroid before the task. Now Himmat Singh has received the certificate for this record.
Won gold medal in South Asian Youth Games 2023
Himmat Singh had brought glory to India by winning the gold medal in martial arts in the South Asian Youth Games held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in the year 2023. Now on Athletes Day, they will make a record for the Guinness Book of World Records by climbing and descending the stairs. For this, people will climb and descend the stairs of a building in Vaishali Nagar (Jaipur) from 5 pm on 6th May to 5 pm on 7th May.
Children are given free training for the army.
Himmat Singh Rathore joined Rajputana Rifles in 2003 as a rifleman. His first posting was in Delhi. After this, he was deployed in Poonch, Jammu and Kashmir, where he took part in Operation Rakshak against terrorists. Retired in the year 2020. During this time he was posted in Doklam on the China border.
Rathore has been giving free training to children for the Army at the government ground located on Kalwar Road in Jaipur for the last 3 years. Nearly 100 children have been selected in the last 3 years. Presently he is training 30 children.