private bus strike in Rajasthan

Private buses in Rajasthan on one-day strike from tonight

Private buses on strike from tonight over demands including reducing tax, increasing permit period, 11 lakh passengers may be affected


Private bus operators have decided to go on a one-day strike from 12 o’clock tonight in all the cities of Rajasthan. These operators had been submitting reminders to the government and administration for the last few days regarding their demands including halving the tax on buses, increasing the permit period, and making tax-free on rural routes. This one-day strike aims to draw the government’s attention to their demands.

In this strike, it is being claimed that 30 thousand buses across the state will not run. Bus operations will stop from 12 o’clock tonight and will remain in force for 24 hours. More than 10 lakh passengers across the state will be affected due to the closure of bus operations.

Impact will be visible on trains and roadways buses

If the operation of private buses is affected from 12 o’clock tonight, its direct impact will be visible on trains and roadways buses. Because most people give first priority to trains and then second priority to private buses for travel. In both of these the fare amount is less as compared to roadways buses.

These are the main demands

  • Roadways have been issued permits for 8 thousand buses, but currently there are 2800 buses. In such a situation, permits should be issued to private buses on routes on which roadways buses do not operate or are in very limited numbers.
  • Women get 50% fare concession in roadways buses. Due to this, the passenger load in private buses has reduced. The government should half the tax on permits for private buses so that bus operators do not suffer losses.
  • The announcement made in the budget to issue 2500 permits should be implemented.
  • Tax on surrendered buses should be waived off and buses operating on rural routes should be made tax free.
  • The age condition of public transport service buses should be 12 years like All India Permit buses.
  • The fine for challan of permit conditions should be charged only Rs 2 thousand.
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