Electricity bill

November-December Electricity bill will charge a surge fee

Electricity consumers may have to pay more in the November-December bill. They may be charged around 150 to 1500 Rs depending on the consumption.


In the month of November and December in Rajasthan, the electricity bills of 1 crore electricity consumers may increase. Electricity companies are going to charge a surge fee for three months. Along with this, electricity companies are also starting recovery of security amount in advance equal to two months electricity bill.

The electricity bills of November-December 2022 will be charged according to the electricity consumption in October-November-December 2021 i.e. 21 paise per unit will be added to the fuel surcharge. By adding the surcharge amount for three months, equal half-and-half will be added to the bills of both the months.

The three power companies Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL), Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (AVVNL), Jodhpur Vidyut Vitran Nigam Limited (JDVVNL) will collect these charges.

Earlier in the second quarter (July-August-September) of 2021-22, 24 paise per unit fuel surcharge was collected from electricity consumers. In the first quarter (April-May-June), 33 paise per unit was recovered in the bills of fuel surcharge.

375 crore will be recovered from the consumers

If 350 units of electricity is used in a month, the consumer will have to pay a fuel surcharge of about Rs 73 to the consumer. In this way, the total surcharge for three months (October-November-December 2021 bill) will be Rs 221. Electricity companies will collect this surcharge from consumers for two months by adding them to the electricity bills.

If more power is consumed, this amount will increase in the same ratio. According to estimates, the three discoms will charge Rs 375 crore from the consumers. In general, the load ranging from Rs 150 to Rs 1500 will fall on the consumers according to the power consumption.

Fuel surcharge in the bill of 1 crore electricity users

There are 1 crore 47 lakh total electricity consumers in the state. Fuel surcharge will not be levied on 15.70 lakh agricultural consumers. However, according to the state government, the electricity bill of 38.18 lakh families has become zero due to cheap domestic electricity.

Fuel surcharge and pending for the year

It has been decided to collect the fuel surcharge from October to December of the year 2021. Till now one year fuel surcharge is pending, which will continue to shock the power consumers in the coming months. Electricity bills will keep increasing every two-three months, as fuel surcharge will continue to be collected on the basis of previous electricity consumption in the bills.

The time given for depositing the security amount was about 1 month from the date of receipt of the notice. Notices will now be given to the consumers who have not received the notices, those who have not deposited the advance security amount in compliance with the notices will also be given notices again.

If the security deposit is not made, the electricity connection can be cut as per the rules. If the consumer does not deposit the security amount, then the discom can cut the electricity connection by giving him 30 days notice.

Security depositing online

Electricity consumers can deposit a security amount on the lines of electricity bill from their mobile-computer through Bijli Mitra app. Security amount can also be deposited online through E-Mitra, Lokmitra. The security amount is also being deposited in cash in the sub-division offices of the Electricity Corporation.

What to do if there is a demand note for a higher security amount?

If there is a dispute in depositing the extra security amount, the consumer gets a demand note for the security amount more than an average of 2 months or if there is any dispute in the bill amount, the consumer can submit an objection in the concerned AEN office and get it settled on the basis of agreement through the settlement committee. In case of non-deposit of amount, disconnection proceedings are also done at the AEN office level of the concerned power house. If there is no hearing at the level of AEN office, consumers can also reach the public hearing of Circle SE or Chief Engineer, MD or Power Minister.

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