voting lists

Eligible voters can enlist themselves in voting lists till November 30 in Rajasthan

Eligible voters can register themselves from November 1st till November 30th to get their names on the voting list of Rajasthan.


A special campaign will be organised for eligible voters to register themselves in the voting list of Rajasthan. This campaign will run from November 1st till November 30th. This would be done in view of the summary revision of the voter’s list 2022.

Under this campaign, one can apply for adding their names to the voters’ list as well as fill up applications for claims and objections for deletion of names, making changes in the voters’ list. These modifications can be done both online and offline. Also, those who will acquire 18 years of age on January 1, 2022, will be qualified for adding their names to the voters’ list.

Moreover, special camps will be organised at the polling stations for adding and deletion of names. These special camps will be held on November 14 and 21.

According to the state’s Chief Electoral Officer, Praveen Gupta, “At the time of receiving claims and objections, the booth level officers will be available at their respective polling stations along with the voters’ list at a fixed time for collecting the applications. Along with the booth level officers, booth level agents appointed by the political parties will also be present to receive applications for claims/objections. The schedule for the same will be from 9 am to 6 pm.”

“To make the voters’ list clean and error-free, booth level officers have been instructed to contact the birth and death registration offices in their respective area to get a revised and fresh list of the deceased. So, for the deletion of the names the reports should be submitted to the electoral registration officer only after verifying the dead voter, as per the list,” he added.

As per the plan, the final release of voters’ lists will be done on January 5, 2022.

Currently, there are 4.95 crore voters in the whole state. Out of these, the male voters are 2.58 crore and female voters are 2.37 crore. There are 52,062 polling stations in the state.

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