garbage collection jaipur

Door-to-door garbage collection will now be charged in Jaipur

Jaipur municipal corporation will now charge fees for the collection of door-to-door garbage with a unique RFID card installed to ensure garbage pickup.


The residents of Jaipur will soon have to pay fees for getting their garbage collected. The Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) is now ready to charge a fee for door-to-door garbage collection. The charges for collecting garbage will be taken from February-March next year.

As per the sources, The charges for the residential garbage collection will differ from the commercial properties. The commercial buildings will be charged a higher amount. The garbage collection charges are according to slabs – ranging from Rs 20 to Rs. The JMC will charge around Rs.100 from each household and Rs.250 from commercial property.

All the residents will be installed with a door to door Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) card for monitoring garbage collection. These cards will be used to scan and detect if a vehicle has collected the garbage or not. The workers of garbage collection will be given a watch to scan these card

In the first phase, RFID cards are being installed only in Murlipura and Malviya Nagar zone in Jaipur Municipal Corporation Greater Area.

As per the information received, the company concerned is being paid Rs 110 per household for door-to-door garbage collection. JMC is spending Rs 1.62 crore every month and is looking forward to collecting a revenue of Rs 1.73 crore.

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