Those who park their vehicles in no parking zone should start being aware now. Jaipur police have created an app for cracking such people. A new mobile application, “The Digital Parking” has been launched to enable Jaipurites to complain about vehicles parked illegally in no parking zones. This app was launched by the city police on Tuesday.
Additional Police Commissioner II Ajaypal Lambba told that “The Digital Parking App” is live and can be downloaded from the Google app s“tore. The people don’t have to call the police control room for reporting stranded and illegally parks anymore.
People will just have to create their own login ID and lodge a report. For this, there is an option of vehicle information in this app. Submit the vehicle number and type of suspected vehicle and its full information will reach the police. Abhay Command Center of the Police Control Room will monitor this app and immediate action will be taken.
This app will make reporting stolen, unclaimed or illegally parked vehicles to the police more convenient for people. This app will streamline the whole process. Vehicles standing in no parking will be seized.
These days illegal parking has become a headache for the police along with the common man. Through this app, locals will be able to inform the police. Also, through this app, the free parking space can be traced easily to book the parking online. The parking will be reserved for your vehicle after online booking.” said a senior police officer.